Mobile Devices in Today’s Market

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Most people these days could not envision going through everyday life without their smartphones. Mobile devices have become an integral part of life and it’s second nature to keep our phones with us wherever we go. This is especially true within the last 10 years. In fact, global mobile device usage has increased by more than 400% since 2007. It’s reported that the average American now spends at least 2.8 hours per day on their phone. This rapid growth of smartphone usage has led to a big change in the way businesses market to consumers.

With the average person spending nearly one-eighth of each day on their phones, businesses have begun implementing marketing tools to mobile users. Companies like Facebook and Google use algorithms based on your recent search history to determine advertisements that might interest you. For example, let’s say you’re interested in buying a jet ski. You do a little research and maybe visit a few sites, then a few minutes later you go on your Facebook. You are likely to find an advertisement for jet skis in your newsfeed. Search engines and advertisements also take into account your location via your phone’s built-in GPS. Therefore the ads you see will often be from local businesses in the area.

Another change in the last decade is the increased emphasis on websites being “mobile-friendly.” An estimated 72% of Americans check their phones at least once an hour. Google actually ranks websites higher if they are considered mobile-friendly, which means the screen loads quickly and is responsive across all mobile devices. The increase of mobile internet usage has made responsiveness a very important aspect of SEO.

What Does It All Mean?

It means businesses better be thinking about mobile devices when they market to consumers. Having your website mobile-friendly, developing mobile ads and making sure consumers can easily find your business when they are searching on their phones will all increase exposure of your business. Staying up to date on the different marketing trends can be tricky, but it is necessary if you want to increase your clientele.

If your business needs help keeping up with marketing in the mobile world, give Business Builders a call today. We specialize in all things marketing, web design and branding. Our goal is to help increase exposure of your brand and maximize your profit! Contact us to set up an appointment today.

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